Feeling Stuck with your BFRB? Try this FREE Self Empathy Toolkit

This toolkit introduces you to THREE exercises you can try yourself, plus a Bonus, that each support your body and mind in a complimentary way. These exercises are designed to help you prepare for recovery from your BFRB, and some that I use with clients.

Including Free worksheet downloads, a guided hypnotherapy audio, and self help tool demo’s.

Suitable for hair pulling, skin picking, nail biting, and all BFRB’s

Get access to the Toolkit below:

Toolkit includes:

  • Mini Guided Practice of Tapping on Self Empathy with BFRB’s to calm the body, occupy your hands, and talk through the issue - (BODY COMPASSIONATE TOUCH)

  • Downloadable Tracker Diary to help you notice and track patterns in BFRB behaviours - (CONSCIOUS MIND)

  • Self Empathy with BFRB’s - Hypnotherapy Audio to enquire and reprogram healthier self beliefs (SUBCONSCIOUS MIND)

    BONUS - Identifying Your Needs Exercise - What is Self Empathy? - with a Downloadable Needs Workbook